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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
North Shore Bank of Commerce
North Shore Bank offers a wide array of products to help you save and grow your money! You can learn more about each account below and compare them at a glance or apply online.

Regular Savings * North Shore Gold Savings * Minor Savings UTMA Savings
Audience Ideal for people who want to use their savings account for an easily accessible cash reserve   For our better-than 50 customers For your teen, age 14-18. With a parent/guardian on the account, your teen can learn to manage their own money  (Uniform Transfer to Minor's Act) From newborn to teen, the perfect place to save for your children
Minimum Balance $50  $0 $0   $0  
Interest Bearing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Fee  Monthly fee if balance falls below minimum No No No
Free Online & Mobile Banking Yes  Yes Yes Yes
Free Cash Card  Yes Yes No No 
Open Account Online Apply Now No  No  No 

*Minimum opening deposit of $100 required except for minor accounts

Accounts at Zero Balance: All deposit accounts (Checking, Savings and Money Market Savings) with a balance of zero for 35 consecutive days will be automatically closed.

A young woman holding a check with her phone in the other hand to take a picture.

Deposit checks

from your phone.

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Young woman with a grocery cart full of produce holding her phone.

Shop with Apple Pay, Google Pay

or Samsung Pay.

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